Dalam seminar tersebut nanti teman-teman akan diajari lebih dalam tentang dunia IT, etika menulis dan Hukum Cyber. Setelah mengikuti seminar ini kita akan lebih banyak mengerti bagaimana menulis yang bebas tetapi tetap terdapat batasan-batasan hukum yang ada agar kita tidak sampai terkena kasus kejahata online. Seminar seperti ini sangat perlu dilakukan dan di ikuti karena saat ini marak kasus tindak pidana perasal dari akun jejaring sosial seberti Facebook, Twitter, dll
Acara ini akan diadakan pada :
Hari / Tanggal : Kamis, 20 November 2014
Waktu : Pukul 08.00 – 13.30 WIB
Tempat : Hotel Harper Mangkubumi Hotel, Jalan P. Mangkubumi No.52 Yogyakarta
Narasumber yang akan hadir dalam seminar IT, Etnichs, Regulation And Cyber Law II adalah
1. Kombes Pol. Kokot Indarto (Direktor ditreskrimsus POLDA DIY)
2. Dr. Mochamad Wahyudi, MM., M.Kom, M.Pd., CEH., CHFI (Pudir 1 Bina Sarana Informatika, Praktisi IT)
3. AKP. Donny Zuliyanto, ST., SH., CHFI (Ditreskrimsus POLDA DIY)
BIAYA seminar
Registratin only : Rp 100.000
Registration & Twin Sharing Harper Mangkubumi Hotel : Rp 375.000
Fasilitas : coffe break, lunch, sertifikat
Transfer ke REKENING BANK BCA 3423013130 an. Yayasan Bina Sarana Informarika
Lampirkan bukti bayar dan data diri (Nama dan gelar_Instansi_No HP) melalui:
Email: lppm3@bsi.ac.id atau fax: (0274) 4342599 BSI YOGYAKARTA
Batas Akhir Pendaftaran : 17 November 2014
Batas Akhir Pembayaran dan Penyerahan Bukti Bayar : 18 November 2014
Informasi Selengkapnya :
Ibu Candra Agustin : 08122534682
BSI Yogyakarta : (0274) 4342536, 4342599
Lampirkan bukti bayar dan data diri (Nama dan gelar_Instansi_No HP) melalui:
Email: lppm3@bsi.ac.id atau fax: (0274) 4342599 BSI YOGYAKARTA
Batas Akhir Pendaftaran : 17 November 2014
Batas Akhir Pembayaran dan Penyerahan Bukti Bayar : 18 November 2014
This seminar on IT, Ethics, Regulation, and Cyber Law II in collaboration with Polda DIY sounds like an excellent opportunity to gain deeper insights into these crucial areas. With the increasing cases of online crimes, it's essential to understand the boundaries and legal aspects. The lineup of speakers is impressive, and the event details are well-organized. Thank you for sharing this information!
ReplyDeleteNew Jersey Domestic Violence
This blog post provides a comprehensive overview of the seminar on IT ethics, regulation, and cyber security. The coverage of key topics and discussions highlights the importance of these issues in today's digital age. It's great to see experts coming together to address these critical subjects and share their insights. The detailed summary helps readers understand the current challenges and advancements in IT regulation and cyber security. Overall, an informative and timely read for anyone interested in technology and ethics.
ReplyDeleteDomestic Violence in New Jersey
"Dive deep into the complexities ||Notice of Appearance Divorce New York||Conversion Divorce New York State of technology, ethics, and legal frameworks at Seminar IT, Ethics, Regulation, and Cyber Law II."
ReplyDeleteThis blog post provides a valuable overview of the seminar on IT ethics, regulation, and cybersecurity, highlighting the relevance of these topics in today’s digital landscape. The writer effectively conveys the importance of understanding ethical considerations in the realm of technology. It’s great to see the focus on cybersecurity, a crucial issue for both individuals and organizations. The summary is clear and well-organized, making it easy for readers to grasp the seminar’s key takeaways. Overall, this post sheds light on the growing significance of ethical IT practices in a connected world.
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